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Competition Rules

In the past all images entered for club competitions have been checked only against the following criteria; Sizing, Colour Space and Title format.  No check has been made of the content.

In future, ALL images entered in any SPS club competition, display or exhibition will be checked against the following criteria by the Competitions Secretary. 

  • Inappropriate or offending images WILL be disqualified at the point of entry.  The Competition Secretary’s decision will be final, and there will be no appeal process for disqualification of inappropriate or offending images.

  • Images must be directly related to the Competition Subject – any deviation may be subject to disqualification.

  • All aspects and Copyright of every image MUST be your total and exclusive work as the submitting photographer.

  • All competition rules hereinafter must be adhered to.

1. League Entries

Entries shall be limited to 4 prints or 4 DPI’s per member per competition.  Entries must be the original work of the member, but processing may have been done commercially.  No subsequent alteration to the title of either a print or a DPI is permitted.

2. Prints

In order for an image to be accepted into a league competition, prints must be mounted, with the title and the member’s membership number (as shown on membership booklet) clearly marked.  The member’s name must not appear on competition entries.  The maximum size of a print is 50cm x 40cm including mount.  Every print must be accompanied by a JPEG version (max size 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high) to be submitted as directed by competition secretary.  The Jpeg MUST include EXIF DATA.

3. DPI

In order for an image to be accepted into a league competition, digital files should be JPEG format.  Maximum 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high, smaller images will be projected with a black background.  The image must be correctly named, title must be in UPPER CASE and a space before and after the word ‘by’ so it looks like this:-

THE TITLE by A N Other.jpg

All DPI’s should be in sRGB colour space and MUST include EXIF DATA.  All DPI’s are to be submitted as directed by competition secretary.

4. Closing Dates

The latest date for entry into all competitions will be the meeting held 2 weeks prior to the date of the competition, but no later.  Except where specified.  Any exception to this rule will be advised beforehand.  Print should be handed to the Internal Competition Secretary and DPIs submitted as directed by the Internal Competition Secretary.

5. Marking

Judges will be asked to mark out of 20 with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd

6. Certificates

Certificates shall be awarded to those members gaining 1st, 2nd and 3rd in league Print and DPI competitions, this will also apply to Print and DPI of the Year, Mono, Landscape and Set Subject competitions, but not to the knockout, Mix and Match or external battles.

7. Re-entry

Any print or DPI which has previously received an award, a certificate and/or a maximum mark in the league may not be entered for any subsequent competition within the club at any future time.  Any other print or DPI, which has been previously entered in a league competition, may not be re-submitted in the same season.  If you enter an image as a print in a league competition, you cannot re-enter it as a DPI and vice versa during that season.  If this is not clear please do not hesitate to contact the Internal/External Competition Secretary

8. League Trophies

The following four trophies will be awarded to the member in the appropriate league (if the current season is operating with 2 leagues) who has the highest average marks from the best two thirds of the possible marks awarded by judges in the appropriate competitions.

               The LEAGUE ONE PRINT CUP……………………………………………………….     League 1 Prints

               The LEAGUE ONE DPI CUP ……………………………………………….....………    League 1 DPI

               The PAYNE/PELLATT MEMORIAL TROPHY;   this trophy has been donated to encourage novices

               in pursuit of photography or for outstanding enthusiasm shown in society activities.   The trophy will

               be awarded at the sole discretion of  the sponsor.

JOHN HEDGELEY TRANSPORT TROPHY, donated by John Hedgeley and awarded on behalf of him for seasons best transport picture, either print or dpi.

9. DPI & Print of the Year Competition (SPOTY)

Every member may submit 1 image of their choice from the current season’s league entries.  Plus, all league certificate winners 1st, 2nd and 3rd and those images scoring marks of 19/20 and 20/20.  Or any other’s at the committees’ discretion.  The work must be presented in its original form, not having been altered in any way.  However, if this presents any problem, the member should contact the Internal Competition Secretary, following which the Committee shall make a ruling.  Any previous winner of this competition may not be re-entered.  The C.P. Studio Shield will be awarded to the winner of the Best Print of the year.  The TSB Shield will be awarded to the winner of the Best DPI of the Year.

10. Panel Competitions

An entry for this competition shall consist of 3 DPI or 3 Prints per member, and shall comply with league competition standard (see rules 2 & 3).  Each print entry shall be shown simultaneously and judged as a single, titled panel, each DPI entry shall be projected sequentially and judged as a single, titled panel.  Each member can enter two such entries of prints and DPI.  The CP Studio Award will be awarded to the winner of the Print Panel.  The Piper Shield will be awarded to the winner of the DPI Panel.  Winning panels are not eligible for re-entry.

11. Set Subject Competition

Entries shall be limited to 4 prints and 4 DPI per member, and shall comply with league competition standard (see Rules 2 & 3).  The subject will be announced as soon as it is known.  The Vanns Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the DPI competition.  The Ayres Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the print competition.

12. Mix ‘n’ Match Competition

All club members shall be divided into two teams by the Chairman.  Two team captains will be chosen.  The team captains are responsible for selecting 25 DPI’s from the team members.  One team selects a DPI for the judge; the other team then has to match the DPI by means of subject, colour, shape, etc.  One point is awarded if there is a match, and one point is awarded for the best DPI of the pair.  This process is carried out alternately until all 25 DPI’s have been shown from each team.  The winning team is that which has the highest number of points.               THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL!

13. Knockout Competition

Entries for these competitions shall consist of up to 4 prints and shall comply with league competition standard (see rules 2 & 3).  Entries will be accepted on the night of the competitions.  A certificate will be awarded to the winner.

14. Landscape Competition

Entries shall be limited to 4 prints or 4 DPI per member, and shall comply with league competition standard (see rules 2 & 3).  The subject will be ‘Landscape’ in its generally accepted interpretation.  The Buttermere Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the DPI competition.  The Honister Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Print competition.  Winning entries are not eligible for re-entry in any future competition.

15. Digital Creative Competition

Entries shall be limited to 2 per member.  Entries will be in DPI format only, re-sized and titled as per DPI competition rules.  2 images will be supplied by the Committee and can be digitally altered in any way the member wishes, no other image or parts thereof, can be added to this image.

16. Mono Competition

Entries shall be limited to 4 prints or 4 DPI per member, and shall comply with league competition standard (see rules 2 & 3).

17. Girls v’s Boys competition

The format of this competition can vary.  Details will be provided in good time for the competition.

18. Battles

The External Competition Secretary may request prints or DPI’s to be submitted for possible selection by the Section Committee to represent the Society in inter-club battles.  It would be expected that such prints and DPI’s shall be mounted to comply with league competition standards (see rules 2 & 3).  Members will be notified if their image(s) are selected for use and will be notified of any scores received.


It is at the Programme Secretary’s discretion as to whether any of the above competitions are entered onto the current season’s programme.


Revised August 2024

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